Friday, December 17, 2010

2011 Garden Planning: Day 7: Day of Rest, and Books to Read

Welcome to the last day of my seven days of garden planning. If you haven't been reading, there are links to the other days at the end of this post.

My plan was to share links to gardening books, mostly to the website of my favorite bookstore, Powell's. However, I mentioned some gardening books here on Day 3.

I've been reading Forest Mage, by Robin Hobb. Now that it's finished, I'm back to Robert Jordan's epic series Wheel of Time. I'm on book six now, The Lord of Chaos. Somewhat slow moving, but addicting series. I'm also reading up on advanced cardiac life support because I'm planning on taking a class in the next few months. With the baby eating my brain, I need as much review as possible.

The greatest book ever for this region.
and I have my very own copy!

So I don't have much time to drool over garden books. However, there are some great ones out here. Carrots Love Tomatoes will give you a good working knowledge of companion Planting, but Jeff Gillman argues against some of the advice by Carrots Love Tomatoes author Louise Riotte in his book The Truth about Garden Remedies: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why. I have both books in my library and try to balance some of the practices they advise. Which is true for all contradictory gardening books. :D I also have a few books on herbs and their uses, and have meant to get a square foot gardening book. Mel Bartholomew has a few out, and I've heard good things about his books. Then there is Gayla Trail's introductory book You Grow Girl: The Groundbreaking Guide to Gardening which I have, and Grow Great Grub: Organic Food from Small Spaces which I don't have. Yet. You Grow Girl is cheery and inspirational and great for beginners. I've glanced at Grow Great Grub but haven't gotten a chance to read it yet. Even if you're not a garden rookie, I recommend her books for sheer "you can do it" cheery attitude. Some books can be a bit overwhelming, especially the fancy garden planning ones.

A solid book for the Pacific Northwest is Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades: The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening. A much smaller, magazine sized book that I love and reference every year (and every month some years) is Maritime Northwest Garden Guide: Planning Calendar for Year-Round Organic Gardening

Any books that you love? Feel free to share below in the comments!

Seven Days of Spring Dreaming
Day 1: My Current Seed Collection
Day 2: Current Beds in the Garden
Day 3: 2011 Garden Planning: Resources
Day 4: Garden Bed Plans
Day 5: Seeds to Order
Day 6: When to start seeds
Day 7: Day of Rest, and Books to Read

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