Friday, October 3, 2008


Because my toddler niece can't surf the interweb superwell yet...



My sis-in-law requested crochet cupcakes for the little one. Apparently my niece loves cupcakes. Who doesn't love crocheted food? Crochet pattern central has a whole page devoted to their patterns.

I started these last night and finished 'em up today. half a baker's dozen. Acrylic from chocolate cupcake to fluffy frostings. That purple one on top is a horrible yarn that was near impossible to get through. So I left off the ruffly bits on the edge there. See the light blue one? The "frosting" yarn was almost cottony. Acrylic comes in so many different colors and textures - it's frustrating to hear folks turn up their nose at acrylics. ...

I couldn't have done it without bittersweetblog. Thank you!!! I changed a few random things with with some of the cupcakes - the original ruffly edge was too bulky for me, and a coupla the cupcakes are a few shy of the 30 stitch repeats.


Ms. Jessie said...

Okay I want cupcakes now. those are totally cute. I think I will get stuff to make cupcakes when I can, baking not crochet. You are an awesome Aunt. The best sister to.

Hybrid Hopes said...


TJ Tarwater said...

Okay, those are totally cute.

Tia Colleen said...

She is going to LOVE them. Today she carried around a muffin pan, full of the silicone cupcake sleeves, saying "you want a cupcake? you hungry?". I can't think of a better present. Awww, we heart you auntie Steph.

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