Tuesday, May 11, 2010

and now a shout out to my nurses: OFNHP nurses! time to vote for your union's E-Board!

Sent this as a pm on social networking sites (yeah, I used that phrase). What kinda blogger/unionist would I be if I didn't share it here? Share wide and far!

Hey, by now you should have received your ballot for our Executive Board. If you're like me, you've gotten a few items in the mail as well, advertising two different groups of candidates. For past votes, I've voted upon name recognition (not an ideal way to vote!), I've voted for people I know personally who have earned my respect, and I've voted for people that people I respect recommend. I hope that you vote. I really believe in the power of the people in general, and I really believe that voting is essential to a good government both of our nation and our union.

So please vote.

Specifically, I would like you to vote for the collective with Linda Rohman running for Executive President. Kathy Schmidt, our executive president before Kathy Gereaux, screened all these folks, and they all have agreed that an emphasis on transparency, improved communication, and democracy is necessary. They are focused on an inclusive, MEMBER-DRIVEN union standing for the values and goals of all our members.

They have a website here: http://www.membersfirst5017.org/
Please look it over, read the brief bios, and see if you agree with me that these are truly the best candidates.

I wholeheartedly endorse Meg Tuttle, Samantha Owens, Kathy Schmidt, and Dawnette McCloud. I've met them and respect them as people who will stand for us and help us stand united and strong during this difficult bargaining period.

"If you do not receive a ballot, or lose or destroy your ballot, you may request a duplicate by contacting the Election Committee, care of Jessica Humphrey, at 503-657-9974 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              503-657-9974      end_of_the_skype_highlighting."

Thank you guys very much. This is REALLY important.

See you maybe on Wednesday at the OFNHP member meeting! I'll be there, perhaps with out of town visitors in tow! http://ofnhp.org/

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