Friday, August 8, 2008

What is Hybrid Hopes up to now?


We're in Utah, visiting with the Hanson side of Andy's family. They travelled from all over and gathered at a roomy lodge that hasn't been updated since half of the cousins were born. Still, the lodge is lovely, the mountains are mountainy, and the family is crazy as other families, and more loving than most.

There are a lot of flowers that are more practical, subtle and demure even. Quite the opposite of those azaleas I posted about a while ago.

Look at these!

red flowers

Somehow they manage to be both flame colored and modest. Ha! I think modest is one of the main desired characateristics of a certain religion that abounds here in Utah. And that's where the Hanson familia is having the 2008 reunion. Hilarious. Do what you will, with harm to none, I guess :)


I like thistles. They are highly underrated and hated on. Look at those, so near an artichoke. So tall and spiky and somewhat abrasive. Incidently, that pretty much describes some of my favorite friends.

1 comment:

Ms. Jessie said...

i think that thistle are pretty they just hurt.

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