Wednesday, June 4, 2008


yesterday I woke up, went downstairs, and discovered my favorite premade cereal was gone. i probably wouldn't have noticed, but someone left the empty carcass on the counter, right by where the coffee is.

this morning, i woke up, went downstairs and outside to check on my plant babies. radishes, check. green beans, looks like you survived another night without slug or bird attack. tomato.... tomato? gone. thankfully there are a ton in the FRONT yard. we decided about a week or so ago that someone had to watch the dog when he was outside. not that you could prevent every turn of the head and every snap of the rose bush (what kind of dog likes to bite rosebushes??), but you can prevent SOME damage, and you could tell me when a fucking tomato plant ceased to exist because you'd have seen it if you were flippin' watching the dog.

so i fixed the chickenwire "fence" that josh/andy put up that has been broken the last week or so.

i am tired of finding things broken, and no note or no "hey, steph, i'm sorry but my friend/dog/me ate this/broke this/destroyed this/didn't fix this." not only do i get mad, i get frustrated and feel like i'm fighting a losing battle and feel like my housemates don't care.

i tend to take things like this personally.


Anonymous said...

These things were not done maliciously...just carelessly.

Ms. Jessie said...

I dont like living with many people because of things like that happening. I am so used to things going a certain way for so long that when somehting disrupts the normal flow of things I get stressed out and or freak. i understand. I hide special foods that I only want.

Hybrid Hopes said...

i figured, anonymous.

and ms. jessie, i hide one item. in a secret area of my craft room. chocolate truffles <3. i eat them slowly. maybe one a week. i haven't changed since the days we'd get easter candy or go trick-or-treating! the good ol' days...

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