Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I'm finishing the first earflap on my second earflap hat of the year.  It's this fast knittin' pattern from the genius behind kittyville.  THANK YOU for the pattern!
I've also made my first two knitted headbands, a plain one for Iso and a cabled owl one for ________.
We've been working on childproofing.  Now that our babe's almost a year, she's crrrrrrrazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy mobile.  Actually, she's been that way for the last ... two months or so.  I HAD NO IDEA how not childproof our house is.  Also, we have too much clutter, I've known that for a while.  We haven't had the cleansing purge that moving every year or so provides, and I think because I've moved so much I have a weird attachment to stuff sometimes.  sigh
It's just stuff.
so many projects, so little time.

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