Friday, April 3, 2009

Updates on the Silkies and Australorps

I think I have to resign myself to the fact that Francis is probably a barred rock chick.

Matilda (Tilly) and Francis looked very similar when we picked them out. Grayish-pink feet, about the same size, black fuzzballs with small white patches on their chest. Tilly had small tan spots under her eyes, but that was the only difference. They still act the same, peering at me when I check on the chicks. They both are very curious and much less timid than the silkies. However, about a week and a half ago, Francis started looking a bit stripy. A bit like this chick. Tilly though, looks pretty much like she should, especially if this 'lorp is at all typical. When I contemplated taking Francis back to trade her for an Australorp, though, I think it's too late. I've already grown attached.

I don't have any new pictures for you today. My camera's MIA. However, I do have weights!

We got the silkies on March 7. They had gotten to the nursery that Thursday, I think, so were probably about 4 days old.
Tatiana Ali, named for the pugilist, weighs an amazing 7.2 oz.
Mensa is almost half her size! She's 4.1 ounces.
Middlefoot is 6.1 oz. I hope Tats and Middle are not roosters, but they are a bit rambunctious and they're HUGE compared to tiny little Mensa.

The "Australorps" came home with us on March 13th. I think they were somewhere in between 2 days and a week old.
Tilly, the one we're pretty sure is an Australorp, tips the scales at 9 ounces!!
Francis is the second largest, weighting in at 7.3 oz.

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