Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy Times from the Mailbox: Territorial Seed Order

*does happy dance*

I got my order in from Territorial today!

nasturtiums from seasons past

Soleil French Beans. They're yellow and have a pole habit.
Kentucky Wonders, pole beans
Quickie corn, an early sweet corn.
Napa Carrots. Mr. Hopes picked this one out.
McPick cucumbers. good for pickling and eating fresh. never pickled anything before, so we'll see how it goes...
Olympia Spinach.
Cube of Butter yellow summer squash.
Tomatoes: gold nugget cherry (decent in containers), legend (early), and silvery fir tree (early)
spicy globe basil
neon calendula
frutiy mix hollyhock
nasturtium: empress of india and black velvet
Sunflowers: sunseed and prado red

Now I just have to figure out how gardening and raising a baby are going to work. As long as they both stay healthier than these poor nasturtiums:

I don't think they got enough water, and they competed for space in the tiny toast compartment.

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