Monday, July 13, 2009

Manic Monday

My Mondays are a bit more batty than usual nowadays, with the second Monday of the month at Steward Council Meeting from 8am 'til noon (and about half the time working from 1245 'til 1115pm), and every third Monday at another work related meeting that begins at a time that the average evening shifter is peacefully sleeping (again, working about half the time afterwards). I guess, judging by the last couple sentences, I put "meetings" in a different category than "work." Personal bias against meetings, a view that working on the floor actually makes a difference, VS meetings that are possibly a waste of time/money/sleep? An idea to think about, if that's how I feel, why am I there? To change? Me or the situation? If I'm to affect policy change, I can't do that from the floor, from a patient's room.

Yeah, so I have to leave in 9 minutes. One leftover chicken taco plus three cups of coffee. Four cups of coffee. Breakfast of champions. Where are my scrubs?


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