Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why I love the blogs I've got listed on the right, part one

Why I love Womanist Musings right now is that that link led me to this and finally this one at That Minority Thing. I love Womanist Musings 'cause she's usually hopeful in tone, with hope shining through the fed-up-edness. She's clever and her blog is a good place to get info and opinions.

Why I love Gypsy: well, for one, I just won a contest of sorts there. But really, I liked it before and totally am excited and surprised I won anything because I usually don't. Also, I like that her and her sister collaborate like on this purse. And she likes to "upcycle" and posts tutorials.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm going in order of most recently updated blogs...

Nordic Craft: Nice, clean, and simple. I like the messages of crafts like this embroidered well, message. She's done some nifty atcs that she posts now and then.

Girl is poison I think was an ebay seller once upon a time. Somehow I ended up on her email list and ended up an appreciator and fan. Yeah, the background of her site's pink, but you forgive her when you see that model on the top with the crazy pink awesome hair.

Kitty Kill embroiders some show stoppers. Her pieces consistently end up on the top of craftster.org favorites, and are a massive inspiration to thousands of people.

GreenUpgrader brings new technologies and companies to my little pond of knowledge. It makes readers want to "think outside the box" and stuff, it really is a great blog but something about it seems strangely corporate. I've been trying to put my finger on it so I can explain it better, and also so I can decide if it's just my initial perceptions.

Lady Harvatine: it's hard to go wrong with blogs that have tutorials, even if they're self described via tagging as "half-assed." Maybe that makes it even better.

I love Diary of an Anxious Black Woman and think it's one of the must reads on my list for every human. I am an occasionally anxious white girl who knows it's important to think outside yourself and not think you're the center of the universe. Plus she's got great links and throws up political stuff so fast that it's often one of the first places I see new links.

Feministe is a collective, and their longer title is Feministe - in defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set. While some of their bloggers are sometimes a bit off in my book, it's always easy to start conversations based on posts you read there.

Angry Asian Man is funny, and gives me a basic summary of a lot of pop culture so I don't have to watch TV.

Crafty Chica. I've been a fan for a minute. I think I checked her books out of the library a dozen times. Then I realized I should share. Now she's got a lot more published, and I believe she's working on a fiction book. Anyway, she's the patron saint of glitter and so inspirational.

Racialicious, the intersection of race and pop culture. Between this and Angry Asian Man, I'm good on pop culture. But racialicious is a great resource anyway, one of my must reads. It's not just about racism either - it's about all the -isms and all the crap and calling people out on their crap and stripping away all the artifice and calling a spade a spade. Or a racist a racist.

I like Les Croix de Nico because I speak like 12 words of french anymore and I like to pretend I still know it. The writer has very cutesy crafts, teddy bears and cross stitch and stuff. I pretend the words are something subversive though, and then I feel better about going to that blog.

This is my brother and sister-in-law's blog. Mostly my sister-in-law's posts, I think. Her writing style is a smidge different from my brother's. Why do I love their site? Well, it's an easy way to stay up with family. There are ridiculously awesome pics of the three of them. Plus, Tia's a really good story teller. She makes everything seem hilarious, or endearing or both. And they've been doing giveaways every Monday for the last several weeks. It's hard to go wrong with that.

Tiny Happy's a lot like Nordic Craft. Simplicity, yet skilled. Peaceful. More craft related stuff I think, Tiny Happy has.

WoCPhd, because she's a good writer. Because I can read her words, treat her words like a free education.

I'm getting tired. I don't think I'm going to get through all the links.

Do us both a favor. See those blog links to the side? Ditch my descriptions of them, and just check them out. You won't be sorry. Me, it's 3AM and I'm about to drag my tired a@@ to bed.

Bon noir, friends. <3 <3

shit. well, i'll leave "noir" there 'cause it's funny. maybe only if you're me, or you're lacking sleep. hmmm. well, goodnight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! It's funny that we're giving you a corporate vibe, we are anything but. We do accept advertising as we are subscribers of the "triple bottom line" philosophy and need a way to keep our CFLs on. We network with some bigger sites, some of which are owned by big media companies, but we are not a big corporate blog masquerading as a small personal blog (there are some of those out there). We are what we are... just a couple people who love cool and sustainable things and love to blog.

Hybrid Hopes said...

I'll have to ask you to forgive my suspiciousness. Like you mentioned, there are some big corporate blogs masquerading as small personal blogs. And "going green" has become such a buzzword that it has been watered down to mean virtually nothing anymore. I can assure you that I'll keep reading though.

Tia Colleen said...

Man lady, you read a lot of blogs!

And yes, its mostly me, but I've been contemplating giving Christpher weekly blogging duties...

Hybrid Hopes said...

Heh, it's easy if you keep them in chronological order.

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